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Roméo Sauze - AllYoogs pilot

The BMX Racing for kids seen by AllYoogs®

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BMX racing for kids, how do you define it? An extreme sport, technical, physical, fun, spectacular… These are the qualifiers that perfectly define this sport. It is in this spirit that we wanted to create our accessories.

Innovation can be scary when you want to change the conventional practices that have been used for years. However, according to our engineers, it is necessary to know how to start from a blank page, to modify, discover, revolutionise and open up to other perspectives.

This is why AllYoogs® has positioned itself in the field of children’s BMX racing accessories. In their age category, the changes to be made are, in our opinion, a logical priority. Our designers have set the basic criteria for any creation, which in our case is to develop parts adapted to the weight of young riders, while maintaining a very high product quality. Our children have no reason to ride with equipment that is not designed for them. AllYoogs® is not just about manufacturing, it is above all about developing concepts and technical evolutions to achieve weight/quality/durability gains.

All our products for children are subject to an intensive quality control. They are tested in real conditions by young competitive riders before going into production.

Our BMX Racing accessories are designed, developed and manufactured in France or by world-renowned European subcontractors. And we are proud to have achieved this!

We are currently working on other accessories for children but also for the Pro Riders (Elites).

If you would like to know more about our BMX racing products, receive the latest news on our activities, know the events where we will be present… do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social networks

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