Unofficial translation, the French text alone being authoritative.



Any anomaly concerning the delivery (damage, missing product compared to the delivery order, damaged package, broken products…) must be indicated on the delivery note in the form of “handwritten reserves”, accompanied by the customer’s signature.

The buyer is required to check the condition of the package and the number of packages delivered in the presence of the delivery person. In case of doubt, the buyer is obliged to refuse the parcel and to report these incidents to AllYoogs.

Sending with DAP incoterm  (Delivered At Place) : Import Duties and Taxes are not included and are the responsibility of the recipient, even in the case of free delivery.


If all products are in stock :

  • Orders placed before 12:00 with tracked mail, Chronopost and Colissimo am leave the same day.
  • Orders placed after 12:00 am with tracked mail, Chronopost and Colissimo leave the next day (D+1).
  • Orders placed with Mondial Relay leave the next day (D+1).


Orders placed on Fridays after 12:00 am leave on the following Monday.
Orders placed the day before a public holiday leave on the first working day.

The delivery times communicated by the carriers are given as an indication in working days and don’t engage the responsibility of AllYoogs in case of possible delays.

This doesn’t take into account possible delays due to customs formalities and customs blockages (shipments outside Europe).

1.  Estimation and terms of delivery

Europe zone : VAT included

1.1.  Area 1 : Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands and Germany

1.2.  Area 2 : Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria and Republic of Ireland (excluded specific territories)

1.3.  Area 3 : Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,  Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden

1.4.  Area 4 : Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Malta, Norway, Romania

Outside Europe : Excluding taxes

Packages are shipped DAP* (Delivery At Place) : Import Duties and Taxes are not included and are the responsibility of the recipient.

1.5.  Area 5 :  United States of America, Canada, Australia   –  DAP*

1.6 Area 6 : Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela   –   DAP*

1.7. Area 7 : Worldwide delivery (in progress). In the meantime, it’s possible to make the request via our contact form or on whatsapp, the real costs will be asked (no extra cost)

2.  Carriers

3.  Terms of sale : Shipping Policy


1. Estimation and terms of delivery

Unofficial translation, the French text alone being authoritative.


Europe zone : VAT included

1.1. Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands and Germany

Reduced and free delivery* from 179.00€ incl. VAT

Delivery timesCarriers
CountriesLa Poste: tracked mailLa Poste: registered mailMondial RelayChrono 2shop (*1)Colissimo RelayColissimo with signatureChrono Express
BelgiumxxD +3/5 WDD +2/3 WDD +3/5 WDD +3/5 WDD +1/3 WD
LuxembourgxxD +3/5 WDD +2/3 WDD +3/5 WDD +3/5 WDD +1/3 WD
GermanyxxD +3/5 WDD +2/3 WDD +3/5 WDD +3/5 WDD +1/3 WD
NetherlandxxD +3/5 WDD +2/3 WDD +3/5 WDD +3/5 WDD +1/3 WD
Delivery times communicated by carriers are given as an indication in working days (WD) and don’t engage the responsibility of AllYoogs in case of possible delays.
*1 Carrier suggested for packages weighing more than 200g

WeightMondial Relay BEMondial Relay LU/NLChrono 2shopColissimo RelaisColissimo without signatureColissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 250 g4.43 €5.27 €11,10 €12,92 €13,86 €18,90 €
0,25 – 0,50 kg5,00 €6.03 €7,25 €11,10 €12,92 €13,86 €18,90 €
0,50 – 1,00 kg5.94 €6.66 €7,40 €13,90 €15,67 €16,66 €26,47 €
1,00 – 1,50 kg6,89 €7,14 €7,40 €13,90 €15,67 €17,75 €26,47 €
1,50 – 2,00 kg6,89 €7,14 €8,33 €14,99 €16,73 €17,75 €28,89 €
*Free delivery from179,00 €179,00 €190,00 €
* Reduced shipping costs from 139.95€3,60 €3,99 €

1.2. Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria and Republic of Ireland

Reduced and free delivery* from 185.00€ incl. VAT

Delivery timesCarriers
CountriesLa Poste: tracked mailMondial Relay (*2)Chrono 2shop (*1)Colissimo RelayColissimo with signatureChrono Express
SpainD +5/7 WDD +5/7 WDD +2/3 WDD +3/5 WDD +3/5 WDD +1/3 WD
PortugalD +5/7 WDD +5/7 WDD +2/3 WDD +4/6 WDD +4/6 WDD +1/3 WD
ItalyD +5/7 WDD +5/7 WDD +2/3 WDD +3/5 WDD +3/5 WDD +1/3 WD
AustriaD +5/7 WDD +5/7 WDD +2/3 WDD +3/5 WDD +3/5 WDD +1/3 WD
Republic of IrelandD +5/7 WDD +5/7 WDD +2/3 WDD +4/6 WDD +4/6 WDD +1/3 WD
Delivery times communicated by carriers are given as an indication in working days (WD) and don’t engage the responsibility of AllYoogs in case of possible delays.
*1 Carrier suggested for packages weighing more than 200g
*2 Carrier available for: Spain and Portugal

WeightPunto Pack
Chrono 2shop
Chrono 2shop
Colissimo RelayColissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 200 g6.47 €12,99 €15,75 €20,19 €
0,20 – 0,50 kg7,39 €9,28 €13,63 €12,99 €15,75 €20,19 €
0,50 – 1,00 kg7,92 €9,59 €13,94 €16,95 €19,71 €24,70 €
1,00 – 1,50 kg8,2 €10,06 €14,41 €16,95 €21,89 €28,08 €
1,50 – 2,00 kg8,2 €10,06 €14,41 €19,13 €21,89 €30,66 €
*Free delivery from185,00 €192,50 €195,00 €
* Reduced shipping costs from 139.95€4,99 €

1.3. Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,  Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden

Reduced and free delivery* from 195.00€ incl. VAT

Delivery timesCarriers
CountriesLa Poste : Tracked mailLa Poste : Registred mailChrono 2shop (*1)Colissimo RelayColissimo with signatureChrono Express
Hungary – Poland – Czech RepublicxD +7/10 WDD +2/3 WDD +4/6 WDD +4/6 WDD +1/3 WD
Denmark – SwedenxD +7/10 WDD +2/3 WDD +4/6 WDD +4/6 WDD +1/3 WD
Lithuania – Slovenia – SlovakiaxD +7/10 WDD +2/3 WDD +4/6 WDD +4/6 WDD +1/3 WD
Latvia – EstoniaxD +7/10 WDD +2/3 WDD +6/8 WDD +6/8 WDD +1/3 WD
Delivery times communicated by carriers are given as an indication in working days (WD) and don’t engage the responsibility of AllYoogs in case of possible delays.
*1 Carrier suggested for packages weighing more than 200g

WeightLa Poste: registred mailChrono 2shop
Chrono 2shop
Colissimo RelayColissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 200 g14,64 €17,40 €22,92 €
0,20 – 0,50 kg12,13 €14,23 €14,64 €17,40 €22,92 €
0,50 – 1,00 kg12,44 €14,54 €18,59 €21,35 €28,56 €
1,00 – 1,50 kg12,91 €15,01 €20,98 €23,74 €33,07 €
1,50 – 2,00 kg12,91 €15,01 €20,98 €23,74 €36,62 €
*Free delivery from195,00 €195,00 €

WeightLa Poste: registred mailChrono 2shop
Chrono 2shop
Colissimo RelayColissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 200 g14,64 €17,40 €22,92 €
0,20 – 0,50 kg13,63 €18,28 €14,64 €17,40 €22,92 €
0,50 – 1,00 kg13,94 €18,59 €18,59 €21,35 €28,56 €
1,00 – 1,50 kg14,41 €19,06 €20,98 €23,74 €33,07 €
1,50 – 2,00 kg14,41 €19,06 €20,98 €23,74 €36,62 €
*Free delivery from195,00 €199,00€199,00 €

1.4. Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Malta, Norway, Romania

Reduced and free delivery* from 199.00€ incl. VAT

Delivery timesCarriers
CountriesThe Post: tracked mailLa Poste: registred mail (*1)Chrono 2shop (*2)Colissimo RelayColissimo with signatreChrono Express
Finland – Bulgaria(*3) – Romania(*3)xD +7/10 WDD +2/4 WD (*3)D +4/6 WDD +4/6 WDD +1/3 WD
Cyprus – Croatia – Greece – Iceland – Malta – NorwayxD +7/10 WDD +2/4 WD (*3)D +4/7 WDD +4/7 WDD +1/3 WD
Delivery times communicated by carriers are given as an indication in working days (WD) and don’t engage the responsibility of AllYoogs in case of possible delays.
*1 Carrier offered for packages weighing less than 250g, not exceeding 3 cm in thickness
*2 Carrier suggested for packages weighing more than 200g
*3 Not available for this country

PRICES incl. VATBULGARY / FINLAND / ROMANIA : free* from 199€
WeightLa Poste: registred mailChrono 2shop
Chrono 2shop
Colissimo RelayColissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 200 gx17,43 €20,19 €35,49 €
0,20 – 0,50 kgx18,28 €x17,43 €20,19 €35,49 €
0,50 – 1,00 kgx18,59 €x21,68 €24,44 €39,03 €
1,00 – 1,50 kgx19,06 €x24,03 €26,79 €46,93 €
1,50 – 2,00 kgx19,06 €x24,03 €26,79 €50,96 €
*Free delivery from199,00 €

Outside Europe : Excluding taxes

1.5. Etats-Unis, Canada and Australia - DAP*

Sending with DAP incoterm  (Delivered At Place) : Import Duties and Taxes are not included and are the responsibility of the recipient, even in the case of free delivery.

Reduced shipping costs from € 199 €

Delivery timesCarriers
CountriesThe Post : tracked & signed mail (*1)Colissimo with signatureChrono Express
United States of AmericaFrom D+9 WDFrom D+5 WDFrom D+3 WD
CanadaFrom D+9 WDFrom D+5 WDFrom D+3 WD
AustraliaD+2/3 weeksFrom D+10 WDFrom D+3 WD
Delivery times communicated by carriers are given as an indication in working days (WD) and don’t engage the responsibility of AllYoogs in case of possible delays.
*1 Carrier offered for packages weighing less than 250g, not exceeding 3 cm in thickness

PRICES excl. TaxesUNITED STATES OF AMERICA : free* from $199
WeightThe Post : tracked & signed mail (*1)Colissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 50 g$9,95$36,50x
50 g – 100 g$11,29$36,50x
100g – 250g$15,16$36,50x
0,20 – 0,50 kgx$36,50$38,23
0,50 – 1,00 kgx$39,45$45,16
1,00 – 1,50 kgx$51,88$50,55
1,50 – 2,00 kgx$51,88$54,98
* Reduced shipping costs from US$199 > 2kg$19,00
* Reduced shipping costs from US$299 < 2kg$29,00

PRICES excl. TaxesCANADA : reduced shipping costs from 199 €
WeightThe Post : tracked & signed mail (*1)Colissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 50 g9,95 €32,17 €x
50 g – 100 g11,29 €32,17 €x
100g – 250g15,16 €32,17 €x
0,20 – 0,50 kgx32,17 €31,86 €
0,50 – 1,00 kgx35,47 €37,63 €
1,00 – 1,50 kgx48,27 €42,13 €
1,50 – 2,00 kgx48,27 €45,82 €
* Reduced shipping costs from 199€ > 2kg19,00 €
* Reduced shipping costs from 299€ < 2kg29,00 €

PRICES excl. TaxesAUSTRALIA : reduced shipping costs from 199 €
WeightThe Post : tracked & signed mail (*1)Colissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 50 g9,95 €32,17 €x
50 g – 100 g11,29 €32,17 €x
100g – 250g15,16 €32,17 €x
0,20 – 0,50 kgx32,17 €35,89 €
0,50 – 1,00 kgx35,47 €42,60 €
1,00 – 1,50 kgx48,27 €48,37 €
1,50 – 2,00 kgx48,27 €52,93 €
* Reduced shipping costs from 199€ > 2kg19,00 €
* Reduced shipping costs from 299€ < 2kg29,00 €

1.6. Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela - DAP*

Sending with DAP incoterm  (Delivered At Place) : Import Duties and Taxes are not included and are the responsibility of the recipient, even in the case of free delivery.

Reduced shipping costs from € 199 €

Delivery timesCarriers
CountriesLa Poste: tracked & signed mail (*1)Colissimo with signatureChrono Express (*2-3)
Brazil, Panama, PeruFrom D +10 WDFrom D+5 WDFrom D+3 WD
Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, ParaguayFrom D +10 WDFrom D+6 WDFrom D+4 WD
Argentina, Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, UruguayFrom D +10 WDFrom D+7 WDFrom D+4 WD
VenezuelaFrom D +10 WDFrom D+7 WDx
Delivery times communicated by carriers are given as an indication in working days (WD) and don’t engage the responsibility of AllYoogs in case of possible delays.
*1 Carrier offered for packages weighing less than 250g, not exceeding 3 cm in thickness
*2 Carrier proposed for packages weighing more than 200g
*3 Carrier not available for the following country: Venezuela

PRICES excl. TaxesLATIN AMERICA : reduced shipping costs from 199 €
WeightThe Post : tracked & signed mailColissimo with signatureChrono Express
0,00 g – 50 g9,95 €36,75 €x
50 g – 100 g11,29 €36,75 €x
100g – 250g15,16 €36,75 €x
0,20 – 0,50 kgx36,75 €31,86 €
0,50 – 1,00 kgx43,06 €37,63 €
1,00 – 1,50 kgx58,76 €42,13 €
1,50 – 2,00 kgx58,76 €45,82 €
* Reduced shipping costs from 199€ > 2kg29,00 €
* Reduced shipping costs from 299€ < 2kg49,00 €

1.7. Rest of the World

Sending with DAP incoterm  (Delivered At Place) : Import Duties and Taxes are not included and are the responsibility of the recipient, even in the case of free delivery.

On request

2. Carriers

Unofficial translation, the French text alone being authoritative.

The relay pickup of arrival can be chosen by the customer

The shipment remains available during the period of 7 days.

Delivery time is not guaranteed : the recipient is informed of the shipment via his customer account and/or by email

Online tracking possible

Contractual insurance in case of loss, deterioration or spoliation of your shipment: 25 €/kg  allowance for each package

Delivery to the recipient’s address

Delivery time not guaranteed : the recipient is informed of the shipment via his customer account and/or by email

Delivery without signature or with signature

Online tracking possible

The recipient must withdraw his package in a post office or relay pickup of his choice

The shipment remains available during the period of 7 days.

Delivery time is not guaranteed : the recipient is informed of the shipment via his customer account and/or by email

Delivery with signature or company stamp

Online tracking possible

Contractual insurance in case of loss, deterioration or spoliation of your shipment: 23 €/kg  allowance for each package

Home delivery with signature

Delivery time not guaranteed : the recipient is informed of the shipment via his customer account and/or by email

Delivery with signature or company stamp

Online tracking possible

Contractual insurance in case of loss, deterioration or spoliation of your shipment: 23 €/kg  allowance for each package

Home delivery with signature

Delivery time not guaranteed : the recipient is informed of the shipment via his customer account and/or by email

Delivery with signature or company stamp

Online tracking

Contractual insurance in case of loss, deterioration or spoliation of your shipment: 23 €/kg  allowance for each package


3. Shipping Policy

Unofficial translation, the French text alone being authoritative.

  • Delivery area

The offered PRODUCTS can only be delivered to the TERRITORIES proposed on our site.

It is only possible to place an order for any delivery address outside of these TERRITORIES upon request to our customer service (mail or whatsapp).

The PRODUCTS are shipped to the delivery address indicated by the CLIENT during the ordering process.

  • Shipping time

The time for preparing an order and then issuing an invoice, before shipping the PRODUCTS in stock, are indicated on the SITE. These times do not include weekends or public holidays.

An e-mail message will automatically be sent to the CLIENT when the PRODUCTS are dispatched (via his/her customer account), provided that the e-mail address entered in the registration form is correct.

  • Delivery Costs

During the ordering process, the SELLER indicates to the CLIENT the possible delivery times and shipping options for the PRODUCTS purchased.

The shipping costs are calculated according to the weight and the delivery method. The amount of these costs will be due by the CLIENT in addition to the price of the PRODUCTS purchased.

  • Terms and conditions of DELIVERY

The parcel will be delivered to the CUSTOMER without or with signature and on presentation of an identity document*.

*In case of absence, a notice of passage will be left to the CUSTOMER, in order to allow him to go and collect his parcel in his post office, parcel relay

  • Delivery problems

The CUSTOMER is informed of the delivery date when he/she chooses the carrier, at the end of the online ordering process, before confirming the order.

It is specified that deliveries of products in stock will be made within thirty (30) days maximum. If the CUSTOMER fails to do so, he/she must give the SELLER formal notice to deliver within a reasonable period of time and, in the event of non-delivery within this period, he/she may terminate the contract.

The SELLER shall refund, without undue delay after receipt of the letter of termination, to the CUSTOMER the total amount paid for the PRODUCTS, including taxes and delivery charges, by the same method of payment used by the CUSTOMER to purchase the PRODUCTS.

The SELLER is responsible until the PRODUCT is delivered to the CUSTOMER. It is reminded that the CUSTOMER has a period of two (2) days to notify the carrier of any damage or partial loss noted during delivery.